Collins-Donnelly Consultancy
Collins-Donnelly Consultancy
Research Consultancy

Collins-Donnelly Consultancy can conduct custom-designed small-scale research projects in the following areas:
∙ Criminological & Psychological Research
• Employee Satisfaction
• Customer/Service User Satisfaction
This consultancy department is managed by Kate, who has worked on research project bidding, design, management, implementation, analysis and reporting on a wide variety of research areas within Government departments and other public sector organisations, within a University, within the voluntary/charitable sector and within the private sector.
Criminological & Psychological Research
We conduct criminological and psychological research projects based on qualitative and quantitative methodologies for public, voluntary and private sectors. These small-scale projects can include:
• Qualitative interviews, observations, case studies and focus groups.
• Quantitative surveys, including face-to-face, telephone, online, postal and email surveys.
• Evaluation of programme or project processes, outcomes and impacts.
• Consultation processes, e.g. of stakeholders, customers/service users, communities.
• Disseminating research findings and good practice findings in a variety of formats to best meet your organisation’s needs.
• Literature reviews
Employee Satisfaction Research
We conduct employee satisfaction research projects based on qualitative and quantitative methodologies for public, voluntary and private sectors. These small-scale projects can include:
• Qualitative interviews, focus groups and other consultation processes.
• Quantitative surveys, including face-to-face, telephone, postal and email surveys.
• Disseminating research findings and good practice findings in a variety of formats to best meet your organisation’s needs.
Customer/Service User Satisfaction Research
We conduct customer or service user satisfaction research projects based on qualitative and quantitative methodologies, which can include.
• Quantitative surveys, including face-to-face, telephone, postal and email surveys.
• Qualitative interviews, focus groups and other consultation processes.
• Disseminating research findings and good practice findings in a variety of formats to best meet your organisation’s needs.